This is a 55+ RV Resort. Children are allowed, please see policies.
Refunds: There will be no refunds for cancellations. There will be no refunds for Guests who depart prior to the originally scheduled departure date.
No Show Policy: Guest is considered a no-show if the guest has not arrived within one month (or one week, or one day, depending on the type of reservation) of the start date of the reservation and has not informed Desert Pueblo RV Resort of a late arrival. It is the responsibility of the guest to let Desert Pueblo RV Park know the expected arrival date.
Visiting Children: Guest is always responsible for the safety and behavior of Guest’s visiting children. Guest must supervise all children under 18 in showers, restrooms, and all other common areas of the RV park. Guest will not allow children to play in the roadways. Management must be notified of children’s presence. Extra guests, including children, are $3 per day.
Quiet Hours: Quiet hours are from 10:00pm to 7:00am.
Speed Limit: The speed limit is 5 miles per hour within the RV park property.
Guests: Guest is responsible for all loss, damage or injury to any person or property caused by Guest’s visitors, invitees or pets. Each space rental includes 2 adults, any additional persons will be charged at $3 per day per person.
Generators: Are not allowed to be used in the park at any time.
Smoking: is not allowed in any of the DPRV buildings, including office, restrooms, laundry, and clubhouse.
Behavior: DPRV may require any person to leave, without refund, for any reason, including disrespect to management or other guests, objectionable behavior, or violation of any rule or sign.
Firearms/Weapons: Discharge of firearms is prohibited. Guest may transport firearms and other weapons to and from Guest’s RV to Guest’s vehicle. In no event may Guest display or brandish firearms or other weapons outside Guest’s RV or vehicle or in a manner that is offensive or threatening to management or other guests.
No more than one RV or truck camper and 2 vehicles per rental site (outdoor storage available)
No inoperable or unlicensed vehicles will be allowed to remain in the Park. Guests shall not use their site for performance of major mechanical or long-term repairs.
No washing of vehicles, RV’s or ATV/UTV’s at site. RV washing companies are to be used (supply their own water).
Sites must be always kept free of clutter and debris. No laundry lines are permitted on the site. Personal property or debris is NOT allowed to be stored around the RV which would be deemed by management to be an eyesore. If so deemed, management will issue a notice of non-compliance and Guest will have 3 days to clean the area.
No fences, sheds, or other improvements/alterations without management approval.
The park has recently upgraded the water system, so the pressure is higher. It is highly recommended that you use a pressure regulator on your RV. DPRV is not responsible for water pipe breakage in your RV.
Pet owner responsibility:
Maximum three (3) pets per site.
Always clean up after your pet & dispose of waste in an approved container (dumpster) and in a sanitary manner.
Excessive barking beyond a short greeting/warning will not be tolerated.
Do not tie your pet to water pipes, electrical posts, or trees.
Never leave your pets outside unattended.
Keep pets inside your RV if you leave your site. Provide maximum ventilation and adequate water for their safety, health and comfort.
Absolutely no pets, except service dogs, are allowed in the recreation hall, laundry room or bathrooms.